
Offworld trading company how to get more claims
Offworld trading company how to get more claims

From the Ceres DLC, we are borrowing diminishing resources (which drop high and medium tiles to low over time) and cave terrain (which gives mining access to all adjacent tiles). The day is much longer – 42 hours! – with an additional two-hour eclipse when Jupiter blocks the sun. Io has a few other wrinkles that mix up the familiar formula from Mars. Life support becomes much more challenging when the player can’t just extract water straight from the ground. Here, instead of splitting water into oxygen and fuel (hydrogen), the player would melt the ice for oxygen, collect hydrogen from Jupiter’s radiation, and combine them into water. We knew this change should not be minor, so we looked for a location in the solar system that could flip the water tree, which led us to Io, a moon without water but with sulfur oxide ice and a steady stream of hydrogen ions from the neighboring planet. Reworking the resource tree would be the most significant change as everything in the game is downstream from how the resources interact. Thus, the game should be just as fun even if the map, the HQs, and even the resource tree changed significantly. During development of Offworld, we discovered that the core gameplay was remarkably robust because the buy/sell mechanic auto-balances the game. Jupiter’s Forge, the first expansion pack to Offworld Trading Company, is our chance to see just how flexible free-market game mechanics can be. Offworld Trading Company ‘s first expansion pack – Jupiter’s Forge – was released today.

Offworld trading company how to get more claims